Tax & Utility Information

Tax Information

PAD (PreAuthorized Debit) Agreement Form

2023 Blank TIP Agreement

2023 Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) – Pay Your Property Taxes in 12 Easy Payments Sign up before January 13th at the Village Office for the Monthly Tax Payment Plan for payment of your 2023 Village of Clive property taxes. You can pay on-line, pre-authorized debit, with post dated cheques, or in person at the Village Office. Please note that all taxes owing must be paid to be eligible for the TIPP.

Utility Information


Utility Agreement Form

Utility Rental Agreement Form

Utility Email Consent Form – If you wish to receive your Utility by email please fill in the appropriate form and return to the Village Office (may also returned by fax (403-784-2012) or email to

2023 Utility Rates per one month period

Clive Council set new utility rates at their Regular Council Meeting this week.  Utility Bills will be issued every month. The combined Water/Serwer/Garbage base rate is $71.68 per month for the first 5 m3 usage.  The over usage rate for water & sewer is $3.25/m3. The average customer using 11.7 m3 of water per month should expect a monthly bill of $96.39.

  • Bills are sent out every month.
    Water and Sewer charges are based on actual water meter readings taken every month.

FAQ 12/21 Water Project


 Garbage Pick-up: Tuesday

  • All garbage must be out by 8:00 AM
  • All garbage is to be bagged and placed in a covered, bird/animal-proof container.  NOTE: Loose garbage will not be picked up.

Recycling Pick-up: Every Second Tuesday

Site Accepted Items

 Grass Clippings, Leaves and Compost

  • PLEASE NOTE:  The Village has discontinued its compost pile. We encourage residents to grass-cycle and compost in their own backyard.  The following brochure describes how to go about this:Grass-cycling and Composting in your neighborhood 

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Lacombe Regional Solid Waste

Hazardous Waste 

For more information: Lacombe County


Power, Gas, Telephone, TV and Internet Information:

Power:  Epcor—310-4300

Gas:     Atco—310-5678

Telephone:   Telus
Cell phone coverage is good with most companies.

High Speed Internet:


Residential and commercial wireless Internet
Phone: 1-877-605-3106

TV: * Satellite available from
Bell Express Vu

* No cable Service


Visit to compare electricity and gas prices in your area. View historical rates, to get help resolving utility related issues.

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